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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Affiliate Seminar for Newbies (Japanese)

Please read the disclaimer first.

I wanted some income in Japanese Yen, so I decided to look into affiliate marketing (for real).

 Watch the Affiliate Seminar

This "K" guy giving the introductory affiliate seminar looks pretty decent, so I'm getting prepared.

Excellent marketer, he e-mails his student's recent testimonials almost every day.

I, for one, am already sold.  :)

I made a table of contents of the seminar, for those who want to jump ahead.

The recordings need Flash to play, which is a bummer for me.

[Section 1] Fundamentals

00:38 What's an Affiliate

11:42 Types of Site Affiliates

20:32 Starting up a site

[Section 2] Operation


00:20 I heard 95% of affiliates don't make any money!
05:12 Isn't it too late in the game to start now?
08:22 What skills should I have?
10:43 Don't I need excellent copy-writing skills?
20:05 Can I make concrete goals?

34:16 Earnings example

43:25 Are you worried?

47:33 The "Dotsubo" equation

49:17 Be euphoric

51:55 A lion of a different color

56:42 Testimonials, bonus key words!

[Section 3] Mindset

So let's take action.  :)

Register to the ASP, Sublime Store.

Click "アフィリエイター" (Affiliator).

Click "新規登録" (Register).

Enter your personal information.

Check your information.


You'll get a confirmation e-mail from info@sublinestore.jp.

After a while, you'll get an approval notice.

Let's log in.

There's a load of programs to choose from.

Click "参加プログラム選択(資料請求方。クリック保障型)" (pay per lead) at the bottom.

Find this seminar.

Get your affiliate link.

And here it is. :)

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