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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Amazon Associates (Affiliate) (Japanese)

Please read the disclaimer first.

I signed up for the Japanese Amazon Associates (Affiliate) program as well!  :)

You can join from the Amazon Associates web site.

Click on "無料アカウント作成" (Create free account).

Sign in using your Amazon.co.jp account.

Select your account information.

Enter your web site information.

Enter your international phone number from "+", and click "今すぐ電話する" (Call now).

Push the PIN when you get the call.

Read the contract, and click "完了" (Complete).

Complete, indeed!  :)

You will get a confirmation e-mail.

Let's set up your payout options, too.

Click "支払う方法を今指定する" (Select payout option) on the previous screen.

Enter your bank information.

FYI, the bank number of Japan Post Bank is "9900".  (Not in the list, so pick "その他" (Other).)

All set up!  :)

Got an approval e-mail after about 5 hours!

Let's find a book.

Click "このページへのリンクを作成する" (Create a link from this page).

Copy the HTML and...

Paste it in your blog.  Voilla!

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