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Saturday, January 3, 2015


Please read the disclaimer first.

I'm going to see if I can sell other people's stuff through ClickBank.  :)

Let's get started.

Read the Client Contract and sign up.

Answer some survey questions.

Voila!  :)

Sign up for the webinar.

I don't have time to attend, but maybe there will be a recording...

Here's the dashboard.

No sales yet, of course.

Let's look at the settings.

Confirm the registration e-mail from ClickBank.

Enter my Tax ID.

Looks better.

Now, let's find something to sell in the Marketplace..

I already know what I want to sell, so just do a direct search.

Here's the ClickBank University, which teaches how to sell stuff with ClickBank.  :)

I think this is sold by ClickBank, so it should be authentic.

Generate a promotion link.

And here it is.

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