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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Market-Linked CD (MLCD)

Please read the disclaimer first.

MLCDs are CDs that are linked to a market.

That is, if the underlying market moves, the value of the CD moves along with it.

Depending on the product, there may be caps to how much it will link to the upside, downside, etc.

We have some MLCD's with Union Banc, just so we can get maintenance fees waived, free check books, etc.

If it goes up, great, if it doesn't gain value, no disappointments.

The MLCD's are guaranteed a minimum interest and are FDIC insured, so it's a perfect instrument for us.

The profit is treated as interest income, and not capital gain.

I asked how the bank made money from it, and it was basically commission, so they bare no risk.

The CDs are actually run by another firm.

What they do is buy a zero-coupon bond to secure the minimum interest.

With the discounted amount, they utilize options for the "market-linked" part.

My guess it that they buy at-the-money calls three months ahead, for every quarter.

So if the market tanks, the options just expire worthless.

If the market goes up, they profit from value above the upside cap.

This is the one that matured end of last year, linked to commodities (Bloomberg Commodity Index).

Since commodities took a big hit last year, we are only getting the minimum of 0.5% APY.

They no longer carry the commodity linked one, so we decided to put the freed capital in a currency linked one.

This one has a 4 year term, 5% minimum interest (1.23% APY), and has no upside cap.

Linked to BRL, AUD, NOK, and CAD.

If the FRB decides to do QE4, and the USD goes down the toilet, this should yield very good results.  :)

This one will mature end of this year, linked to gold (London Gold Market Fixing Ltd - LBMA PM Fixing Price/USD).

This is also so down that even if gold performed excellent this year, it can't make up for the losses (because of the upside cap!).

We have one and a half more years on this one, linked to the S&P 500 Index.

This one is doing awesome, and is up 30% to date.

The S&P has been in a bull market since 2009, hopefully it will last until mid 2016.

Because it was Chinese New Year, our kids each got a sheep doll.  :)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Cryptsy (仮想通貨取引所)


[重要更新] Cryptsyはもう運営停止したみたいです!!でもbitcoinが最近高騰しているのでちょっと勉強するのはいいかも。



口座を開くには、Register New Accountをクリックします。






Google Authenticatorを使いましたが、Authyとかも使用できます。


ちゃんとした人間だと証明するために、Verify Your Accountをします。

さらに個人情報を入力し、写真ID等をアップロードして、Submit Verification Informationをクリックします。

Account Verification Questionsを回答して、Submit Answersをクリックします。



通貨の受け取りに使用するTrade Keyです。


僕のは:  ac46defc34c57b89ffa4a66c441353228f638a5c


仮想通貨を発掘して支払いを受け取りますと、Crypto Balancesの下のBalancesに表示されます。

受け取りと同時にBitcoinに両替するには、通貨をクリックしてDeposit / Autosellを選びます。

Enable Auto-Sellを2回クリックします。(なぜ2回必要かはわからない、、、)

方法を選択し、Update AutoSell Rulesをクリックします。





View All Depositsで受け取りを見れます。








Submit Sell OrderでBitcoinに両替します。




Saturday, February 14, 2015


Please read the disclaimer first.

[IMPORTANT UPDATE] Cryptsy is no longer operating.  But there is a recent surge in bitcoin, you may want to check out the technology.

Cryptsy is an online cryprocurrency exchange.

I opened an account, because MultiPoolX suggests to use this for accepting the mined currencies.

Click on "Register New Account" to open an account.

Fill in your information.

A verification e-mail will be sent to you.

Click on the activation link.

You can now log in.

For additional security, set up 2FA.

I used Google Authenticator, but you can use other platforms like Authy, too.


Optionally, Verify Your Account, and let them know you're legitimate.

Fill out your information, and upload IDs, etc., and Submit Verification Information.

Answer some Account Verification Questions, and Submit Answers.

And you're all set!

Got the verification e-mail the next day.

This is your Trade Key, used to RECEIVE currencies.

This is what you need to set up daily payouts in your MultiPoolX account.

Here's my key:  ac46defc34c57b89ffa4a66c441353228f638a5c

As always, donations are welcome.  :)

Once you start mining and receive a payout, it will appear in the Balances tab, under Crypto Balances.

In order to convert to Bitcoin as it gets deposited, click on the currency and select "Deposit / Autosell".

Click on the "Enable Auto-Sell" twice.  (Don't know why you need to click twice...)

Choose your preference, and click "Update AutoSell Rules".

MultiPoolX recommends to just use the default.

All set.  :)

A "toast" of the deposit appears when you log in.

You can check it in the Balances tab.

View all deposits to see the transaction.

In the Orders tab, you can see the order to sell FRC/BTC.

When this gets filled, the FRC is converted to Bitcoins.

[Update 2/21/15]

If the order doesn't get filled for a while, it's probably either because there is not much trading volume, or the currency is heading down.

Either way, I don't want to sit on it, so I will manually exchange them to Bitcoins.

Cancel the order.

Confirm the cancel.

The order has been cancelled.

Submit Sell Order to exchange them to Bitcoin.

Confirm the order.

It is immediately filled.

Successfully exchanged to Bitcoin.