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Saturday, July 18, 2015

A8.net (Japanese ASP)

Please read the disclaimer first.

A8.net is a Japanese Affiliate Service Provider.

It has a wide range of sponsors, and some will even let you buy from your own affiliate link ("Self Back").

They also give you the option to create a blog page on their site ("FanBlogs").

So let's get started.  :)

Click on "今すぐ登録する" (Register Now).

Enter your e-mail address, captcha, and click "上記内容で送信" (Submit).

This is also where you read the contract.

An e-mail had been sent to you.

Click on the registration link in the e-mai.

Enter your personal information.

You can click "サイトをお持ちでない方" (I don't have a site) if you want to blog on FanBlogs.

Enter your information for "FanBlogs", and click "次のステップへ" (Next).

Enter your bank information, and click "確認画面へ" (Confirm).

Check all of your information, and click "上記内容で[A8.net] / [ファンブログ]の登録を行います" (Register).

Done!  :)

And the confirmation e-mail.

Here's what it looks like after you log in.

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