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Saturday, December 19, 2015

K-Jyuku season 17 (K Academy / K塾17期)

Please read the disclaimer first.

K Academy (K塾) is open for enrollment again!

K Academy teaches how to earn affiliate income from web sites.  (AKA "site affiliate")

The training consists of 6 steps (0 to 5), where each step is carefully crafted by K himself.  He will also conduct a monthly seminar, inviting ASPs.

There are also tools available to maximize performance, and forums and a private SNS to share information, ask questions, etc.

I joined the last season, but couldn't put in the time to do the work.  If you are not able to take about two hours every day, this may not be for you.

Not surprisingly, it costs a lot.  (360,000 to 390,000 yen, depending on payment terms.)

So you may want to start off with a cheaper option, Riiko Blog Affiliate.  :)

This is actually one of the steps mentioned above, so there's nothing to lose by trying it out for half an year.

And there's something for you freebies as well.  :)

You should watch the affiliate newbie seminar recording, if you are interested in earning money from site affiliating.

Anyhow, I'm going to be renewing my terms (there's a good discount for renewals), and hopefully I will see you on the other side.  :)


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