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Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Bulletproof Diet

Please read the disclaimer first.

This is an excellent companion to Scott Adam's book, "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big".

Scott mentions how a good diet and exercise are beneficial for success, but doesn't tell you exactly how to get to that level.

Well The Bulletproof Diet shows shows you how, including recipes for bulletproof meals.  :)

In the book, Dave categorizes food into three ranks, Bulletproof, Suspect, and Kryptonite.

"Bulletproof" is stuff you can eat confidently, like grass-fed butter.

"Suspect" is stuff that may or may not do you good.  He recommends testing them out bit by bit, to see what fits your body.

"Kryptonite" is stuff that does more harm than good.  This is stuff that can accumulate mold, etc.  Don't touch it with a ten foot pole.

So we've been looking around for bulletproof food, and it looks like Sprouts has a good collection of them.

Bulletproof products are also for sale on his website.

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