↑↑↑ Create an account with Kraken. ↑↑↑

Thursday, February 11, 2021

How to open a Kraken exchange account

Please read the disclaimer first.

So I blogged that I was going to diversify my crypto assets from Bitcoin (BTC) to Polkadot (DOT) on the Kraken exchange.

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to open an account.

Create an account with Kraken.

Enter your e-mail, desired username, password, country of residence, and state/province.  Your password must be at least 12 characters long, and contain a letter, number, and special character.  Check the box for "Terms of Service", and prove you aren't a robot.  Click on "Create account" to continue...

An e-mail will be sent to you.

Here it is, subject "Activate Your Kraken Account", from "Kraken <noreply AT kraken DOT com>".  Click on the link to activate.

Pum pum pum...

E-mail from Kraken, "Kraken Account - Activated".

Tada!  Click on "Verify Your Account for Crypto".

Starter is good enough for now, click on "Verify".

Enter your personal information, and click "Next".

Status is now "Pending".

E-mail from Kraken, "Kraken Starter Account - Verified".

Status is now "Verified".

You can come back here by clicking your name on the top-right, and selecting "Get Verfied", in case you want to upgrade.

To buy crypto assets directly on Kraken, you need to be "Intermediate" level.  This requires a photo ID (like a driver's license or passport),  and a tax ID (like SSN or ITIN).

2 Factor Authentication is always a good idea.

Click your name on the top-right, and click "Security" then "2FA Settings".

It is required for Sign-in.  Click "Activate now".

Scan the QR code from your 2FA app, and enter the 6 digit number you get, and click "Confirm".  I used Google Authenticator, available for Android and iPhone devices.

If you click "View setup key", you will see a bunch of letters and numbers.  Copy this to a safe place, in case you have to set up your 2FA app from scratch.

All set.  You can do the same for Funding and Trading as well.  Each one will be a new entry in the 2FA app.

E-mail from Kraken, "Kraken Security - 2FA Method Updated".

From the next time you sign in to Kraken, you will need to enter your 6-digit code.

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